Hampton Pool Trust plans to update the facilities at Hampton Pool by making long-overdue improvements to the main building and the associated facilities. Improved changing areas for families, a covered seating area by the café, enlarged gym and studio spaces and disabled access throughout are all part of the plans, as are significant improvements to energy efficiency that will comply with the GLA’s London Plan.
Hampton Pool is enjoyed by thousands ofpeople who regularly swim, exercise and attend classes and many thousands more who enjoy the summer picnic concerts. In 2018/19, there were more than 278,000 visits and 43 local schools, sports and community groups made use of our facilities. However, most users will admit that the building desperately needs some improvements in order to protect its special character, to make it more usable for the whole community and to give it a viable future. Hampton Pool Trust has been working on these plans for over six years now, with regular stakeholder consultations along the way. The planning application was submitted to LBRuT in 2016 and, whilst progress has been slower than we’d hoped, we believe a resolution is now almost in sight.