As a community charity that aims to promote the health and wellbeing of all local residents, we must ensure our facilities are accessible to all.
Understandably, there has been a lot of public feedback and negativity around the current condition of the facilities. The current Hampton Pool building was built 60 years ago, for a different time and as a temporary structure. Current fixes have extended the life span of the existing facilities but wholescale upgrading is now needed within the next 10 years. The building is now tired, expensive to maintain and long overdue its first full upgrade of its current facilities and plant, the cost of which can’t be covered by the revenue generated from the current running of the Pool and concert revenue alone.
Hampton Pool Trust needs to invest in the future of Hampton Pool by replacing much of the existing facilities and infrastructure. Patching up existing facilities is not a long-term solution and will eventually become unsustainable. The new facilities must also allow for increased income generation to support the future viability of this much loved pool.
Hampton Pool Trust needs to address the accessibility and infrastructure issues and put in place a business plan that will facilitate increased income surplus. The new business plan will allow us to enhance the facilities by increasing income during off-peak times. At the same time, by addressing the issues with the plant, our energy use and the physical fabric of the building, we expect to reduce the cost of maintenance and repairs by 40%.